What’s up reader, how was your first week of the year-between-pandemics? Only 50 weeks left till the ‘accidental’ release of the next virus, so I
Category: Seven’s Weekly

Well, we made it, reader. The end of the end of the pandemic is here. Sure, people will still catch Omicron in 2023, but the

Feliz Navidad, reader. I hope your Christmas day is going great. I’m trying to recover from yesterday’s Xmas Eve buffet at the Westin and gearing

Well the year is winding down, reader, and if you spent it in TLOS, yours was likely only slightly less awesome than usual. From January

What’s up reader, how’s life treating you? My name’s Seven and this is my blog. ‘Twas a somewhat subdued week for this weary gogo rat.

What’s up, reader, how’s your day going? My name’s Seven and this is my blog. At the time of posting this post, it’s Sunday the

Well, it was an unseasonably rainy week in Asia’s City of Angels (the Thai word for “Bangkok” literally translates to “city of angels”). Whoever ordered

Good God, reader. The fucking tourists, am I right? Three years of lockdowns and travel bans gave me near complete amnesia bout the nauseating aggravation

How’s it hangin’ gents, my name’s Seven, and I didn’t get up to much this week, thanks to the cold virus making its way around

Remember, remember, ‘tis Thailand in November. Which means the start of high season, which means more tourists, which means more irritation for local barflies like