Happy New Year mingemongers and moneyhoneys, my name’s Seven and it’s my last weekend in the hellhole familiarly known as The United States. I’m missing Thailand something awful, I tell you what. I miss the warm weather, cheaper prices, and neon lights and hot asses of the redlight. And I really miss my harem. But more than anything, I miss the solitude of a single monger’s lifestyle, and the freedom to do what I want when I want. I cannot wait to be alone in my apartment, fresh from a concubine’s visit who already came and went, with nothing to do but bask in the afterglow. Soon enough, I will be doing that. Afterward, unfortunately, my time will again not be my own, because I’ll be chauffeuring my brother through his yearly monger-odyssey in Ptown. But anything’s better than being stuck in the USA.
In the suburb of Los Angeles where my family live, there are no bars. There are corporate eateries–Dave ‘n’ Busters, The Yard House, Chili’s, Red Robin. Nothing for the serious punter or barfly. There are two legitimate bars in a 10 mile radius of my mother’s house and they’re both ruled over by packs of feral white trash. Lots of crystal meth and few teeth. I think Covid killed the corner bar in the ‘burbs. All the gentrified Downtown bars are packed with dorks trying to be “LA cool.” I swung into one of the kitchy franchise bars for a margarita. It was just sugar-water. The dude who took my order said everything twice. “Hello-hello.” “Good-good.” “Thank you-thank you.” I fucking hate it here.
And now, they do a thing here when you enter an establishment. Instead of saying “Welcome to” and the name of the joint, now everyone says, “Welcome in.” The “in” is new. I don’t know who started it but I want to punch everyone in the face who says it. Oh, and get this: the cunting restaurant charged a $2.99 “entertainment fee.” The fuck is that? Nobody fucking entertained me. I was charged three bucks to hear Tears for Fears drone from the restaurant’s speakers. In a nutshell, the US sucks ass.
Speaking of sucking ass, the post you’re currently reading is nothing special. In fact, I thought I’d just favor you with a free Members Only gallery. What you’ll see below is a sample of the kind of content I throw out for Members every Friday. If you like it, you might consider joining up. It’s $1 per month, which is a steal, if you ask me. I don’t possess the ability to upsell or rip off folks, especially if they appreciate my stuff. At any rate, enjoy this photo gallery of galpal KookKai—from Pattaya—who sat for a naked ninja shoot (none of her renderings made the cut for my exhibition, though) and subsequent video interview. Yes, it’s a YouTube post, but it’s unlisted so only dudes who connect via the link below can see it…

This week’s actual Members Only Gallery is one of many collections of saucy Ai Thai photos that are just sitting in my hard drive. The link is here:
but only if you become a Member. The price is $1 per month, and new content is added weekly. I’m too dumb to figure out how to link the weekly posts to a single button on my website, so I post the links on my social every Friday, and provide a summary of all posts at the end of each month. Sorry for the inconvenience.
And that’s all the monger that’s fit to ponder for now, friends. Sorry for all the typos. I didn’t proofread. Check back next Sunday for another summary of this redlight life. In the meantime, you can read more Bangkok-centric stuff on my Substack: https://bangkokseven.substack.com/
Slideshows from previous blogs going back several years can be found at https://www.youtube.com/c/BangkokSeven
My buddy Jack and I host a growing Facebook community with lots of nightlife-related content at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thaiagogo
and I’ve got a small but robust group of pervs posting photos daily at a group called Super Hot Asians here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/374120690195407
Follow me on Twitter/X @BangkokSeven for daily monger material, along with these other profiles that’re chock full of photos of hotties:
If you’re feeling generous, you can leave a tip on any of the above X profiles. All proceeds will go to creating more redlight content for you.
Thai chick-related artwork can be purchased at https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThailandNights
And until next time fellow BK Bukowskis and Bathshebas, keep your balls (or tits) warm, your beer cold, and cheers to another week above ground in the greatest country on Earth: Thailand.
Pro Tip Post-Script: As you may have heard, many Thai visas are going digital this year. By June of 2025, Thai Immigration wants all tourist visas and the new Digital Nomad visas to be done electronically through their new E-Visa website. For anyone who has yet to use this “service,” just know that in typical Thai fashion, it’s a clusterfuck. Per usual, Thailand came up with the idea on the fly and implemented it without first figuring out how it works. So if and when you need a new visa, I strongly suggest applying at least a month in advance, and even that might not be enough time. They system is already backed-up, and the folks on the other end processing your info are, per usual, dumb as a box of rocks. Good luck, everyone. You’re gonna need it.