If you’re reading this at the time of posting, happy Sunday, reader. My name’s Seven and this is my blog. It’s been a typical week
Year: 2022

Happy day-ending-in-Y, reader. It’s yer boy Seven, back with a repost from my old website, patpongnightlife. It’s nothing but a snapshot of life in the

It’s official, everyone. The redlight district formerly known as Patpong is dead. And we know it’s true, because it came from the godfather of Bangkok

Hey there, cyberwanderer. Welcome to my blog. I’m Bangkok Seven, and today I have, for your reading pleasure, an interview with our friend Jack—the man

Hey everyone, it’s Seven. You’ve found your way to my blog. ‘Twas another week in the redlight for this weary, weather-worn gogo rat—specifically, the redlights

Greetings fellow mongers, expats, Bangkokians, and redlight fans. I’m Seven, and this is my blog. ‘Twas a typical week in Patpong, at least from this

‘Sup everyone, happy Sunday (if you’re reading this at the time of posting). How’s life? If you’re an expat in Bangkok like me, I assume

The following is a repost from my old website, patpongnightlife. Apologies to the 10 of you who’ve read it already… “Bonjour, netsurfer. My name is

Greetings, reader. How’s your day going? My name’s Seven and this is my blog. This post is an attempt to provide redlight newbies with useful